Monday, January 7, 2013


     I am exhausted. Mostly emotionally. A friend of mine posted a memory of my dad singing in church. Incidentally, that was the last time he sang in church.  It was very sweet of her, and it certainly conjured up some emotion.
    The first person to comment on her post was an uncle in law who was looking to pick an intellectual fight about the validity of her faith. In the process, he deeply hurt me and insulted my dad's memory and me as a person.  He flung rudeness at me. I engaged. I stooped. I did, but I just couldn't let someone do that to my dad.  He is precious to me.  It was so, so hurtful and literally had me in tears.  It took some time too, so there went my morning.
     I posted a status relating the abridged version of the morning's events with a request for people to share a memory of my dad.......more emotional-ness.
     Then I came home to hook the modem up. The last time I did this was 6 years ago.  It is, in fact, pretty straightforward, but there was a glitch for a minute.....more time.
      It is now 3:19 in the afternoon. Natalie gets out of cheer practice in 41 minutes. Noah has refused to take a nap today. That is going to make for an awesome evening. It's the playoff game tonight, so Tony wants "good food". The house is a wreck since I have invested 0 time in it today. There is no fun food a-brewin. He's going to be disappointed, and I feel bad about that. 
      I want time to install shelves in the front closet so I can start crafting with the crafting supplies that I can't efficiently in their current arrangement of a heap....because there are no shelves.
      I want to make a make-up video or at least post some pictures. I go to bed at 8:00. There may not be time for that.
      Today feels like a wash, and I feel sad about my dad to boot. PTTTHHHHTT!!!