Today....what on earth? After another night of crummy and insufficient sleep, I woke up, ironed Tony's clothes and got him off to work, and laid back down hoping to help fight the slumber deficit. That was at kids woke up at 8:00. Half an hour was not what I had in mind for finishing my night of sleep.
Noah drank a bottle of milk and Natalie and I ate our microwaved corndogs (yes, for breakfast - Noah's bottle held the last of the milk so - no cereal for me and Natty-boo). Soon after finishing our 'dogs, I heard Noah gagging and coughing. He had gagged on the snot trickling down the back of his throat and had begun to throw up spitty cheese. So great that I have 3 crip mattress sheets, Natalie got poop on hers, Noah got vomit on his and I already had a mound of laundry to do today. Tony has pleaded with me to please wash his dark socks, and when I neglect to do it, he starts on a very quiet yet intense tirade on how "one day, I'm just gonna go buy 9 pairs of socks so I actually have socks!". Who can blame him. Last week I was so proud to have gotten those socks washed that every day I could proudly tell him just to "look on the red recliner - you might have to look down in the cracks but they're there." I said that for as many days as I could before the lying became unbearable for me., I have one crib mattress sheet clean but two mattress to cover. Was the mound of existing dirty laundry enough? No - Noah had to gag and vomit two more times....on I lay on the couch which means stripping off two more outfits and the couch cusion covers. Into the tub they went.
The upchucking stopped, I successfully laid both kiddos down for their naps and began to feel my lids getting heavy and the slight dizziness I've felt starting this time of day for the last week and a half - since I stopped taking my antidepressant because I can't afford to go to the doctor so they will reauthorize my prescription until we get our taxes done bUt WE HAVE ALL THE W2'S WE NEED SO WE JUST HAVE TO DO THEM AND NOW TONY IS CALLING ME TO ASK IF I KNOW THE LOCATION OF THE PAPER HE LOST BUT NEEDS SUPER BAD!!!!!!!! huff, huff, puff, puff.....
Ok - if that weren't enough, not having that lovely chemical from the pharmacy sloshing through my brain also seems to unleash a strange version of creativity.....I cut my own hair with the aid of cuticle scissors and my compact mirror (which Natalie calls a "minnier"). Let me just say, I have a hair appointment at 3:00.
............I'm hungry....I think I still have a few corndogs.